نصائح الألعاب السعودية : No Man’s Sky Devs Reveal Light No Fire, a New Exploration Game

The Game Awards 2023 features a variety of announcements, trailers, and reveals of all sizes. And while we are all for AAA titles, there’s something special about indie games. To capture that same feeling, Hello Games, the developers of No Man’s Sky, have announced a new game titled Light No Fire.

From the short yet interesting trailer shown at The Game Awards, we see the game features a light-hearted yet extremely diverse universe; Light No Fire is a fantasy action-adventure game set around various biomes for complete variety.

Like No Man’s Man’s Sky, a heavy focus is put forth on exploration and creation. The Earth-like world will also feature procedural generation all set with its own plethora of creatures, foilage, and environments. The game is touted to feature even better environments than the studio’s last creation. And yes, it has dragons too.

While one would think this experience might be single-player, Light No Fire will be a multiplayer experience wherein players will be able to co-ordinate to explore, build, and flourish this massive world together.

Light No Fire has no release date for now, but from the looks of the trailer, it should come out really soon. On a side note, Hello Games has mentioned that it is not abandoning No Man’s Sky and will continue to support it with updates next year.

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