Saudi Tech Tips: CPS Test – Check How Fast You Can Click

CPS Test - Check How Fast You Can

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Minecraft is a game where clicking speed can give you a significant advantage. Whether you’re in PvP combat, mining for resources, or building your next masterpiece, the faster you can click, the better.

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That’s where the CPS Test comes in.

The click speed test is a simple but powerful tool that measures your clicking speed in clicks per second (CPS). It’s easy to use and completely free, and it’s the perfect way to track your progress and improve your clicking speed.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the CPS Test and how it can help you become a better Minecraft player. We’ll cover everything from how to use the test to tips for improving your CPS score.

So if you’re ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level, keep reading!

Why Is CPS Important In Minecraft?

CPS is important in Minecraft for a few reasons. First, it can give you an advantage in PvP combat. If you have a higher clicks per second rate than your opponent, you’ll be able to attack them faster and more efficiently. This can be crucial in close-quarters combat, where every click counts.

Second, CPS can also help you mine and build faster. If you can click the mouse button faster, you’ll be able to mine more blocks in the same amount of time.

And when you’re building, a higher CPS will allow you to place blocks more quickly and efficiently.

How To Use The CPS Test?

The CPS Test is very easy to use. Simply go to a website that offers the click speed test and click the button to start.

The test will then count the number of times you click the mouse button in a given period of time, usually one second.

Once the time runs out, the test will display your CPS score along with the rank.

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Tips For Improving Your CPS

Here are some tips for improving your CPS, or clicks per second:

Use a Gaming Mouse

One of the best ways to improve your clicking speed is to use a gaming mouse. Gaming mouse are designed for performance and responsiveness, and they can give you a significant advantage in Minecraft.

Gaming mouse typically have a higher click rate and better tracking than regular mouse. This means that you can click faster and more accurately with a gaming mouse.

This mouse also often has additional features, such as programmable buttons and adjustable weight, which can further improve your performance.

If you are serious about improving your CPS and becoming a better Minecraft player, then investing in a gaming mouse is a wise decision.

Make sure your mouse is comfortable. You don’t want your hand to cramp up after a few minutes of clicking. Find a mouse that is comfortable to hold and use for extended periods of time.

Practice Clicking Test

One of the best ways to improve your CPS is to simply practice clicking tests. The more you click, the better you will become at it.

Here are some tips for practicing clicking:

  • Start with short practice sessions, such as 5-10 minutes. As you improve, you can gradually increase the length of your practice sessions.
  • Focus on clicking quickly and accurately. Don’t worry about making mistakes at first. Just try to click as fast as you can without sacrificing accuracy.
  • Experiment with different clicking techniques. Some people prefer to use their index finger, while others prefer to use their middle finger. You can also try using a claw grip or a palm grip. Find a technique that is comfortable for you and allows you to click quickly.
  • Take breaks when you start to feel tired or your hand starts to cramp up. It’s important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard.

By practicing clicking regularly, you can significantly improve your CPS and become a better Minecraft player.

Use Clicking Technique

There are different ways to click, so experiment until you find a technique that feels comfortable and allows you to click quickly. Some people prefer to use their index finger, while others prefer to use their middle finger.

There are a few different mouse clicking techniques that you can use in Minecraft. Here are three of the most popular techniques:

Jitter Clicking

Jitter clicking is a technique that involves rapidly moving your mouse back and forth to create a short circuit in the mouse button. This can allow you to click faster than you would be able to with a regular clicking technique.

To jitter click, hold down the mouse button and move the mouse back and forth very quickly. You can use your wrist, forearm, or both to move the mouse. Experiment with different movements to find what works best for you.

Butterfly Clicking

Butterfly clicking is a technique that involves using two fingers to click the mouse button very quickly. This technique is similar to jitter clicking, but it can be more difficult to learn.

To butterfly click, place your index finger and middle finger on the mouse button. Then, rapidly move your fingers up and down to click the button.

You can use your wrist, forearm, or both to move your fingers. Experiment with different movements to find what works best for you.

Drag Clicking

Drag clicking is a technique that involves dragging your finger across the mouse button to click it. This technique is faster than regular clicking, but it can also be more difficult to control.

To drag click, hold down the mouse button and drag your finger across the button. You can use your index finger, middle finger, or both to drag. Experiment with different movements to find what works best for you.

It is important to note that some of these techniques, such as drag clicking, can be harmful to your mouse. If you are not careful, you can damage the mouse button or even break the mouse altogether.

Which clicking technique you choose will depend on your personal preference and playstyle. If you are new to Minecraft, I recommend starting with regular clicking.

Once you have mastered the basics, you can experiment with different techniques to see what works best for you.

Take Break

If you start to feel tired or your hand starts to cramp up, take a break. Pushing yourself too hard will only make you worse. Get up and move around, or take a few minutes to rest your hand.

It is important to take breaks when practicing clicking or playing Minecraft. If you don’t take breaks, you can develop repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), which are painful and can cause long-term damage to your hands and wrists.

Here are some tips for taking breaks:

  • Take a break every 10-15 minutes of clicking or playing Minecraft.
  • Get up and move around during your break. Stretch your hands, wrists, and arms.
  • Drink some water or eat a healthy snack.
  • If you start to feel any pain in your hands or wrists, stop clicking or playing Minecraft and take a longer break.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent RSIs and enjoy Minecraft for years to come.


What Is A Good CPS score?

A good CPS score depends on your personal goals and playstyle. If you’re just starting, a CPS score of 5-10 is good. If you’re serious about improving your clicking skills, you can aim for a CPS score of 15-20 or higher.

What Are Normal Clicks Per Second?

A normal click per second (CPS) score is between 5 and 10. However, some people can click much faster, with some professional gamers reaching CPS scores of 15 or even 20. Your CPS score will depend on several factors, such as your mouse, your clicking technique,


In conclusion, the CPS Test is a valuable tool for Minecraft players. It can help you to track your progress, identify areas where you need to improve, and learn and practice different clicking techniques.

By using the click test regularly, you can significantly improve your CPS and become a better Minecraft player.

Here are some additional tips for improving your mouse clicking speed and your Minecraft gameplay:

  • Use a good gaming mouse.
  • Make sure your mouse is comfortable to hold.
  • Practice clicking the mouse button as fast as you can.
  • Use a clicking technique that works for you.
  • Take breaks when you start to get tired.
  • Warm up before you start playing Minecraft.
  • Stay focused and relaxed while you’re playing.

With regular practice and dedication, you can become a top Minecraft player.

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