Saudi Tech Tips: How to Automatically Delete OTP Verification and 2FA Codes from your iPhone

How to Automatically Delete OTP Verification and 2FA Codes from your

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Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and OTP (One-Time Password) verification have become indispensable tools to safeguard our digital lives. However, managing the aftermath of these codes on our devices can be cumbersome. Fortunately, with the latest iOS 17 update, iPhone users can now automate the process of deleting used or expired OTP and 2FA codes from their Messages and Mail apps. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up this feature and enhance the security and efficiency of your iPhone.

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Before delving into the steps, let’s briefly explore why automating the deletion of OTP and 2FA codes is beneficial. Manually clearing these codes not only consumes time but also poses a risk if overlooked. Automation streamlines this process, ensuring that sensitive information is promptly removed, reducing the chances of unauthorized access to your accounts.

READ ALSO: How to transfer your Google Authenticator 2FA to a new phone

How to Delete 2FA Codes on your iPhone

Getting a code on your phone used to be a bit of a hassle. After you used it, you had to go into your messages and delete the code yourself. But with iOS 17, you can make your phone get rid of 2FA codes all by itself. Here’s how to set it up on your iPhone:

1. Navigate to the Settings app on your iPhone.

2. Choose Passwords from the menu.

3. Choose Password Options from the next menu.

4. Turn on the toggle next to Clean Up Automatically.

Once that feature is enabled, your iPhone will start deleting used or expired 2FA codes from Messages and Mail by itself. You can find and use this setting on iPhones and iPads that are running iOS 17.

How to Automatically Delete OTP Verification and 2FA Codes from your

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