Saudi Tech Tips: How To Fix the “Disable Accounts Cant Be Contacted” Error On Instagram

How to fix “disable accounts cant be contacted” error on Instagram

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If you’ve encountered the “Disabled accounts can’t be contacted” error while trying to message a friend on Instagram, you’re not alone. This hiccup often occurs when reaching out to recently reactivated accounts. Fret not, though—there are ways to swiftly tackle this issue.

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Steps To Fix “Disable Accounts Cant Be Contacted” Error

1. Block and Unblock the Instagram Account

A straightforward solution involves blocking and unblocking the account in question. Follow these steps:

  • Locate the account, and tap the three dots in the top right corner.
Steps To Fix “Disable Accounts Cant Be Contacted” Error: Click the three dot icon
Click the three dot icon
  • Select “Block” from the option.
Steps To Fix “Disable Accounts Cant Be Contacted” Error: Block the account
Block the account
  • Confirm your decision by tapping “Block” again.
Steps To Fix “Disable Accounts Cant Be Contacted” Error: Proceed to block the account
Proceed to block the account
  • Wait a few seconds, then go to your profile, navigate to Settings and Privacy, and under “Blocked,” unblock the account.
Unblock account
Unblock account

READ ALSO: How To Read Instagram Messages Without Being Seen

2. Follow and Unfollow the Instagram Account

In many cases, the problem resolved by simply following and unfollowing the account:

  • Open Instagram, go to the account, and tap “Following.”
Click the Following button
Click the Following button
  • Choose “Unfollow,” and if it’s a private account, confirm the action.
Unfollow account
Unfollow account
  • Tap the blue “Follow” button again.

3. Restrict and Unrestrict the Instagram Account

If the above steps don’t do the trick, consider restricting and unrestricting the account:

  • Go to the profile, tap the three dots, and select “Restrict.”
Restrict account
Restrict account
  • Request the restricted account to message you; their message will be in the Requests folder.
  • Tap “Unrestrict,” enabling you to text the person freely.

4. Delete Your Last Conversation

Troubleshoot by deleting your last conversation with the problematic account:

  • Navigate to Instagram’s home screen and tap the message icon.
  • Find the conversation, drag it to the right, and tap “Delete.”
  • Confirm the deletion and try messaging again by initiating a new chat.

Additional Fixes and Troubleshooting Tips

If the above steps prove fruitless, consider these general troubleshooting tips:

  • Log Out and Log Back In: If all else fails, try logging out and back in after waiting a few seconds.
  • Update Instagram: Ensure you have the latest software updates, as Instagram often rolls out fixes for known bugs.
  • Delete and Reinstall Instagram: Clear the app’s cached data by deleting and reinstalling it.


Remember, this issue typically arises after an account reactivation or due to a temporary disablement by Instagram. If the problem persists despite troubleshooting, patience might be the best course of action.

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