Saudi Tech Tips: How to Repair Windows 11 Using DISM and SFC Scans

How to Repair Windows 11 Using DISM and SFC Scans

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Even though Windows 11 is designed for smoother operation compared to its predecessors, occasional glitches can still arise. In such a situation, tools like DISM (Deployment Image Service and Management Tool) and SFC (System File Checker) are your reliable command in resolving such issues. In this guide, we’ll embark on a journey to explain the art of repairing Windows 11 using these powerful scans. Here’s your guide on wielding the power of DISM and SFC scans for a seamless Windows 11 experience.

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How to Run an SFC Scan on Windows 11

Running an SFC scan is akin to sending a file rescue team into your system. It hunts down corrupt or AWOL system files, replacing or repairing them as needed. Follow these steps for a swift SFC scan on Windows 11:

  1. Press the Windows key to open the Start menu. Type “Command Prompt” or CMD and run as “Run as Administrator.”
Run command prompt as administrator
Run command prompt as administrator
  1. In the command prompt terminal, type (or copy and paste) the command sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
Scan the system disk for error
Scan the system disk for error
  1. A progress verification message will be displayed. Once done, it shows the scan results.
SFC scan result
SFC scan result
  1. To delve deeper, locate the log file at %windir%/Logs/CBS/CBS.log. Alternatively, open it directly by pressing Windows key + R, pasting the path, and clicking OK.
Open the SFC log
Open the SFC log

Run a DISM Scan on Windows 11

When SFC is struggling or misses a corrupt file, DISM steps in as the troubleshooter’s troubleshooter. It scans and rectifies corruption in the component store of the Windows system image. For a robust DISM scan on Windows 11:

  1. Press the Windows key to open the Start menu. Type “Command Prompt” or CMD and run as “Run as Administrator.”
Run command prompt as administrator
Run command prompt as administrator
  1. Type (or copy and paste) DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and hit Enter.
Restore system health with DISM command
Restore system health with DISM command
  1. A progress bar showcasing the scan’s result will be displayed.
  2. After completion, press Windows key + R, enter %windir%\Logs\DISM\dism.log, and click OK for additional scan insights.
Open DISM log
Open DISM log
  1. The DISM log file unveils its secrets in Notepad.

Important Notes and Tips:

  • These scans might take a while, so a little patience can go a long way. Once completed, restart your PC for optimal results.
  • If the scan results don’t resolve your issues, consider System Restore to restore your system to an earlier working state. If all else fails, use the “Reset This PC” feature to reset your system.


Leveraging DISM and SFC scans empowers you as a user to maintain the integrity of your Windows 11 system. With these tools in your arsenal, you can troubleshoot Windows 11 related issues, ensuring a seamless and efficient computing experience. Embrace the power of these commands to uphold the robustness of your Windows 11 environment.

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