Saudi Tech Tips: How to Reset the Outlook View to Default Settings

How to Reset the Outlook View to Default

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Outlook is a versatile email management tool, offering various ways to customize your inbox view. Whether you’ve deliberately configured it to suit your preferences or run into issues with the view, there’s an array of methods to reset Outlook to its default settings and ensure a seamless email management experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process.

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Steps to Reset the Outlook View to Default Settings

Resetting the Outlook View via the Ribbon

One of the simplest methods to reset your Outlook view to its default settings is through the Outlook ribbon. This method is particularly effective if you’ve made view customizations.

To reset your Outlook view using the ribbon:

  1. Launch Outlook and navigate to the “View” tab.
  2. Locate the “Current View” section and click on the “Reset View” button.
Click on the reset view
Click on the reset view
  1. When prompted for verification, click “Yes.”
Reset view confirmation
Reset view confirmation

Following these steps will revert your Outlook inbox to the default view, much like it was when you initially installed the application.

Should you not find the “Current View” section in your ribbon, it’s possible that your ribbon is in Simplified Layout mode.

Select the classic ribbon
Select the classic ribbon

To remedy this, click on the “Ribbon Layout” button in the ribbon’s right corner and choose the “Classic Ribbon” option.

Resetting the Outlook View Using the Run Command

Another method to reset your Outlook view involves using a command within the Run dialog box. This can be particularly useful if you want to ensure the default view without launching Outlook first.

To reset your Outlook view using the Run dialog box:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. In the dialog box, input the following command: outlook.exe /cleanviews
  3. Click “OK” or press “Enter.”
Reset view using cleanviews command
Reset view using cleanviews command

Outlook will launch in its default view, discarding any customizations.

Launching Outlook in Safe Mode

If the above methods do not revert your Outlook view to the default settings, you can try starting Outlook in Safe Mode. This mode disables add-ins and can help troubleshoot the issue.

To launch Outlook in Safe Mode:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. Enter the following command: outlook.exe /safe
  3. Click “OK” or press “Enter.”
Open outlook in safe mode
Open outlook in safe mode

Once Outlook opens in Safe Mode, navigate to the “View” tab, and click the “Reset View” button within the “Current View” section.

Click on the reset view
Click on the reset view

This should set your Outlook view to the default.

Disabling Outlook Add-ins

If you are still unable to reset the Outlook view, it might be due to add-ins causing the problem. Disabling add-ins and re-enabling them one at a time can help pinpoint the culprit.

To manage Outlook add-ins:

  1. Launch Outlook and go to the “File” tab.
Click on the file tab
Click on the file tab
  1. Select “Options” from the left sidebar.
  2. In the options window, choose “Add-ins” on the left.
Click on Add-ins
Click on Add-ins
  1. Set the “Manage” dropdown to “COM Add-ins” and click “Go.”
uncheck the box of add-ins affecting outlook view
uncheck the box of add-ins affecting outlook view

In the COM Add-ins window, uncheck one add-in at a time. After disabling each one, restart Outlook. If your default view is restored after disabling a specific add-in, it indicates that this add-in was causing the issue. You can then select it and click “Remove.”


Microsoft Outlook remains a go-to tool for email management, and resetting the view to its default settings ensures a smoother experience. However, Outlook offers more than just view customization; it’s a powerful email client with various features to enhance your productivity.

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