Saudi Tech Tips: How to Setup Text Replacement Shortcuts on Your iPhone

Setup Text Replacement Shortcuts

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In the fast-paced world of mobile communication, typing out lengthy phrases, email addresses, or common responses can be a real drain. Fortunately, your iPhone comes equipped with a nifty feature called Text Replacement, which allows you to create shortcuts for frequently used phrases. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple process of setting up text replacement shortcuts on your iPhone for increased productivity and convenience.

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What are Text Replacement Shortcuts?

Text Replacement shortcuts are custom abbreviations or shortcuts that automatically expand into longer phrases or sentences. For instance, typing “omw” can instantly transform into “On my way!” or “addr” can become your complete mailing address. With this feature, you can save time, reduce typing errors, and improve your overall mobile communication experience.

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Create Text Replacement Shortcuts

From Text Feild

1. Tap and hold on to the Globe icon in the bottom left corner of your screen until a pop-up appears.

2. From the displayed menu select the Keyboard Settings.

Setup Text Replacement Shortcuts

3. Now select Text Replacement.

4. Tap on the + sign at the top right corner of the screen.

Setup Text Replacement Shortcuts

5. Go ahead and type a phrase and shortcut that you prefer. Then click Save. In the screenshot, I used the shortcut “LUT” and the phrase as “The Lecturer is unavailable today. So every time I type “LUT” the phrase will appear and I will have to select it.

Setup Text Replacement Shortcuts

From iPhone Settings

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.

2. Select General followed by Keyboard from the displayed lists.

Setup Text Replacement Shortcuts

3. Now select Text Replacement.

4. Tap on the + sign at the top right corner of the screen.

5. Go ahead and type a phrase and shortcut that you prefer.

6. Click Save.

Quick Note: Unfortunately, you can not use emojis in the shortcut section. However, you can incorporate numbers and certain punctuational marks.

Why is Text Replacement Not working on my iPhone?

The main answer to this question is generally related to the fact that you disabled the shortcut option. If the shortcut feature is enabled, you will be able to smoothly use the text replacement on your iPhone. Go to Settings>General>Keyboard>Enable Shortcuts. If the problem persists, revisit the Text Replacement menu or list to see if you are using the wrong Shortcut. Don’t forget to restart the app that you are using or your iPhone generally.

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