Saudi Tech Tips: How to Swap Columns in Excel

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Spreadsheets serve as invaluable tools for data organization. Yet, despite meticulously entering your data, you might find the layout less than ideal. Perhaps you wish to interchange the positions of column B and column C, for instance. The good news is that adjusting column order in Excel is a straightforward task, offering several methods to achieve your desired layout.

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Methods for Swapping Columns in Excel

1. Swap Columns in Excel Using Drag and Drop

Should your spreadsheet layout require adjustment, you can conveniently reposition columns by employing the drag-and-drop method. It is important to note that while doing so, you must hold down the Shift key. This prevents the column you are moving from inadvertently overwriting another, leading to data loss.

To perform column swapping using this technique:

  • Click on the letter at the top of the column you wish to relocate. The entire column will become highlighted.
  • Hold down the Shift key and hover your cursor over one edge of the column until it transforms into a four-headed arrow.
Highlight excel column to swap
Highlight excel column to swap
  • Click and drag the column to your desired position; a prominent line will indicate the insertion point.
  • Release the cursor and the Shift key, allowing the column to move to its intended location.
Highlighted column swap to column C
Highlighted column swap to column C

This process can be repeated to reposition additional columns.

2. Swap Columns in Excel Through Cut and Insert

Another approach to rearranging columns is through copying and pasting. However, a more efficient method entails using the “Insert Cut Cells” tool. This technique offers quicker results by employing only a single column copy operation.

Here’s how to swap columns using this technique:

  • Highlight the column you wish to move by clicking its corresponding letter.
  • Right-click and choose “Cut,” or utilize shortcuts Ctrl+X (Windows) or Cmd+X (Mac).
Use the Cut column option
Use the Cut column option
  • Right-click on the letter of the destination column and select “Insert Cut Cells.”
Insert cut cell to swap column
Insert cut cell to swap column
  • The cut column will be inserted into the selected column’s position, pushing existing data one column to the right

Repeat these steps as needed to arrange columns to your preference.


With the above steps, you can easily change the layout of your Excel spreadsheet to fit your needs. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to keep control of how your data is set up, which will improve speed and data arrangement.

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