Saudi Tech Tips: How to Turn on and off AutoFit in PowerPoint

Turn on and off AutoFit in

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Creating a PowerPoint presentation can be both exciting and slightly tricky, especially when it comes to managing text. You’ve probably noticed that when you start a new presentation, PowerPoint generously provides you with two text boxes—one for your title and another for your subtitle. Usually, this works just fine, but there are moments when your title gets a bit too lengthy, and suddenly it’s too big to fit within its designated box.

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PowerPoint’s AutoFit feature steps in and takes care of the resizing business for you. Its mission: to ensure that your title always snugly fits within its text box, no matter how long it is. Pretty handy, right? However, as with most things, there are times when you might want to take control and switch off this automatic resizing.

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Steps to Turn on and off AutoFit in Specific PowerPoint Slides

Should you wish to disable AutoFit for the text box or placeholder currently under your scrutiny, AutoFit options are conveniently accessible within the slide itself.

Here’s the procedure to deactivate AutoFit through the AutoFit options menu:

1. Select the text box or placeholder containing your text.

2. On the lower left corner of the text box, click the AutoFit Options button.

Select the AutoFit Option button
Select the AutoFit Option button

3. From the Auto fit options, click “Stop Fitting Text to This Placeholder.”

Select Stop fitting text to this placeholder
Select Stop fitting text to this placeholder

Text dimensions will revert to their original specifications. This might lead to some text exceeding the placeholder’s confines. Should this occur, consider reducing the text volume or redistributing it across slides.

To re-enable AutoFit, revisit the AutoFit Options button and choose “AutoFit Text to Placeholder.”

Click AutoFit Text to Placeholder
Click AutoFit Text to Placeholder

How to Use Format Shape Options for AutoFit Deactivation

The Format Shape options offer an alternative route to disabling AutoFit.

To halt AutoFit through Format Shape settings:

1. Right-click the text placeholder. From the context menu, select “Format Shape.”

Click Format Shape
Click Format Shape

2. In the Format Shape pane, navigate to Text Options and click the Text Box icon.

3. Choose “Do Not AutoFit.”

Click do not autofit
Click do not autofit

To revert AutoFit, repeat steps 1-3 and select “Shrink Text on Overflow.”

How to Disable AutoFit in an Entire Presentation

To deactivate AutoFit completely within your PowerPoint:

1. Select any of the placeholders and click the AutoFit Options button.

2. From the Auto fit options, click “Control AutoCorrect Options.”

Click control autocorrect options
Click control autocorrect options

3. Within AutoCorrect Options, uncheck “AutoFit Title Text to Placeholder” and “AutoFit Body Text to Placeholder.” Confirm by clicking “OK.”

Unselect the Autofit options
Unselect the Autofit options

This action enforces the default absence of AutoFit throughout your presentation.

To reinstate AutoFit, repeat steps 1-3 and reactivate the checkboxes.


Deactivating AutoFit within PowerPoint ensures precise control over text size, preventing any involuntary alterations imposed by the app. This approach prevents text overload and guarantees readability.

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